Saturday, August 04, 2007

down under

Tomorrow, I leave Kanazawa to begin my trip to Australia. It's all happening so fast! Just yesterday, I was buying the tickets, and wondering how long a flight to Brisbane actually is. As always, my room is a mess right before I travel, which will guarantee I enter some kind of travel withdrawl once I return. I've never really had any desire to go to Australia. And actually, North Korea was higher on my list of "Places To Go"! So I'm pretty much sure I'll love it, considering my expectations are so low.

Anyway, I'll meet my aunt, whose children I've never met. Encounter long-lost friends, and make new ones. All in all, this will be a pretty experimental trip for me, but it will be good to be in an english speaking country for a while.

I'll try to keep updating my blog from there. But I'm not sure I'll be able to find a chance. Either way, keep checking back.


Anonymous said...

C'est Emi.
Bonne Vacance!:-)

Captain Gavman said...

I hope you enjoy it Graeme!

Benjamin Tiesma said...

keep an eye on your wallet, I hear its all criminals down there.