Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Nihon fashions

This is a prime example of Japanese eccentric fashion sense. These girls are dressed in the 'gothic lolita' style. True lolita style has the frills and the little hat, but is usually in a pastel colour. These goths are all black.....except for their cutesy, pink purses. They obviously shop together.

This is a picture of where I work. The second building from the left, which has an old, faded, imperial flag at the top is mine. I work at the top floor on the rightmost side. There is a hotspring on the roof.


Anonymous said...

I couldn't think of the French for bittersweet on my own, and, although it seemed like I was admitting defeat, I decided to look it up. By doing so, I actually found out what it was, and that was great. Overall, I'd say it was a doux-amer process.

Benjamin Tiesma said...

I've been there.

Had no idea about the Hot Spring. Maybe at the time neither did you. That is the only explaination that forgives you for not telling me.

sQ*eeky said...

actuallly, Benj, tehre is no hotspring.
I lied.....I know, I'm a terrible person.
But it felt so good! ; P