Saturday, October 21, 2006

eiheiji temple

In the temple there's a reception hall with 230 paintings of birds and flowers on the ceiling. It's said that if you find 2 koi and a moon, then you will have good fortune. I stood there, staring upwards for about 15 minutes before giving up. Actually, I don't think there are any fish up there, only birds, but the idea of staring up was very satisfying. I'm sure it's the same reason the Sistine Chapel is so famous. I always thought there's something spiritual about a human looking skywards.

The garden by the main gate, entering from a small mountain path. The Temple is still being used by monks and you see them walking to and fro in their robes.

Light coming through the leaves. The complex is massive, and built on terraces on the mountain.

This is the biggest of the buildings, called the Hatto, or dharma hall. Inside monks were praying to a giant, statue of Kannon, the bodhisattva of compassion.


Anonymous said...

That's gorgeous!!!

Go here: perspective of the ceiling from far away

Go here: for the ceiling panels up close

"Astronomy compels the soul to look upwards and leads us from this world to another."
Plato (427 BC - 347 BC), The Republic

I'm a nerd!

Anonymous said...

Nice pics.

Japanese buddhism is so cool. I imagine that's what let the samurai be so hardcore.