Wednesday, October 04, 2006

1.1618 on the richter scale

So, it turns out that there was a small earthquake last night at around 11:40pm. I felt it because I was in a building on a high floor. When I asked Katy, my co-worker about it, she said that around 11:40 she felt really dizzy. Apparently, if you are walking around in the open and a small earthquake hits, you just feel dizzy. Weird, huh?

Maybe because you don't see anything shaking and the feeling is so small, you just think it's in your head. It was less than 2 on the scale, and I thought it was pretty cool, actually! Man, the Earth is alive!...........and it has gas.


Last month I had some trouble trying to get my pin number from the bank in Canada. I finally gave up, but I got to speak to about 4 different people from all over the world. If it were a competition, the Pakistani man who tried to speak to me in French wins.....

Anyways, this is a photo of my credit card. No wonder my money was just flying away!


Anonymous said...

*cue Twighlight Zone music here*

Um... Lottering? Are you pulling our collective legs, here?

Do you realize that 1.1618 is the Phi ration, or, the EXACT ratio for nature's measurement for beauty? Well... to be really exact: 1:1.618 .

We're talking the Golden Ratio and Fibonacci et al:

I don't believe you...

It can't possibly be true...


sQ*eeky said...

I am the golden ratio, erin!

Anonymous said...


Nice post. Earthquakes are weird, especially when you make it seem like it's a bowel movement!