Thursday, August 24, 2006

sounds of the neighbourhood

Today, the sun is flooding in from my balcony. Outside it's bright and in the neighbourhood, I can hear the sounds of children playing and laughing. It's strange how the noise of children is the same in every language.

There is a kindergarten and a temple across from each other near my house. On Mondays, around 6am I hear the gong of the massive bell. The sound is so intense that it vibrates inside my body. Like the sound waves flow through me. Really I feel it just as much as I hear it, but it is somehow not invasive.

On weekdays I wake up with the sounds of children playing. I must admit it's pleasant. Today I can hear someone playing 'Ring-Around-the-Rosie' on a piano. To me this seems even more Western than something like 'Yankee Doodle', for some reason. I remember how surprised I was when I discovered that 'Ring-Around-the-Rosie' was about the Black Plague in Europe. No one ever tells you that when you are a kid!

Anyways, the tune has shifted to a 'Chopsticks' duet now. And as the children return to class after their break, I should also return from mine to get ready for work.


Anonymous said...

Yankee Doodle is interesting because it was written by the British to make fun of the Americans. The Brits had a macaroni club which was about discussing cultivated things in the 1700s and the song makes fun of Americans sticking a feather in their hat and calling it macaroni.

Anonymous said...

the Macaroni Penguin is named after the feather in his cap.

Aw cute!