Monday, April 02, 2007

POST 100

hurray!!! Post 100!!! Bust out the champagne!

This post is dedicated to particle physics. In my art, I've always had a fascination with the microscopic world, drawing from the images of cells, and scientific diagrams. One of my favourite themes is the idea of cell mitosis, the basic creation and sustaining of life. It's the force that keeps all life stable and allows it to continue.

This is a painting I did a while back. It's is an allegory for creation, by the penetration of the ozone by a comet. The image is the dividing cell. Cell Mitosis. Recently, however, the ideas of physics are very interesting to me, despite my serious handicap at abstract mathematics (which includes basic division, by the way!). Before I left Toronto, I wanted to make a giant particle collision diagram on a sheet of plexiglass, but sadly, it never got started.

There's somethign in these diagrams which reminds me of alchemical charts, hiding the secret of transmutation, eternal life, and the philosopher's stone.

These particle collisions are so beautiful. They prove to me that the universe is a graceful, intelligent entity, which performs a magical dance even at the infinitely small level.

I've recently found this website that has posted a PBS series called The Elegant Universe online. It's a great watch — beats Japanese TV anytime!


Anonymous said...

Love you art. What you got interested? Nice to see beautiful chemistrie.

Anonymous said...

hahaha! thats so awesome, graeme. the other day my friend asked if i wanted to talk about my feelings because i'm a chick, and i said i like to talk about physics and brains and science! and i do... i'm reading about the frontal lobe right now. did you know that the frontal lobe is responsible for our predictions about the future? people can survive and function perfectly normally after damage to their frontal lobe, but they cant think about the future... so the question was: who is happier? those who can contemplate the future or those who cant? there's an exhibit in osaka on brain studies, but i think it will all be in japanese, sadly... i saw the ad in kansai scene magazine. ciao!

sQ*eeky said...

Thanks anonymous.

When I was in high school, I saw the image of a cell in a dream. It was like a microscopic view and inside I could see hundreds of little figures, like cave paintings, worshiping the sun. The idea grew from there, I guess.

But really, I'm a fan of any diagrams!

Are you french, by the way?

Erin, as for who is happier, my vote is on those who can't contemplate the future.

Anonymous said...

I'll be in Japan in 11 days!! Holy shite man. Can't wait.

Tomo said...

They are really cool&beautiful!Their color combinations are nice.I Really like kind of cell or gene,like DNA,RNA...I like biology too.Those diagrams stimulate me to study biology&human body...!