Monday, April 16, 2007


Well, today yesterday I picked Gavin up from Nagoya. It's so good to see him again. Nagoya was fun. I got to hang out with Tomoyo one last time before she leaves for Australia. And Gavin met up with Mike Thompson, who co-incidentally lives there too.

It was a lot of fun. The city is BIG, but has little to offer.
another Japanese Castle.

The main attractions are Nagoya castle, and Bic Camera...basically an electronics store. We also visited the Robot Museum, but the whole thing took like 20 minutes to see. The highlight was going on a Segway, which we skipped because:
a.) Segways are just about the dumbest for of transportation you can imagine
b.) I wanted to see Asimo, the running robot.

Now, Asimo was there, but he was turned off...I guess they didn't have enough space for him to frolic. Damn...

Anyways, I also saw this guy standing on the corner. Nice hat!

The coolest part of Nagoya was the back of the bus station. The building faces 'Central Park', which is a narrow park in the middle of a boulevard.
I liked the colours. Actually, in Nagoya all the cherry blossoms had already been replaced by leaves. So this sight was rare. It looked very sci-fi. Beautiful like an architectural sketch!


Benjamin Tiesma said...

and yet no proof that gavin is there. pictorally speaking.

Anonymous said...

I'm here..... I mean can't you tell this message is from Japan. Geez, use your telepathy to detect my IP address.

Benjamin Tiesma said...

sorry gavin, I seem to have had the switch flicked off... baka gaijin desu!