Sunday, March 18, 2007

tongue tricks

I don't know why, but recently I've had insane cravings for tomatoes. Maybe there's something in them that my body needs, or maybe I'm just getting into summer mode. Either way, I'm not sure, but last night I ordered 3 plates of tomato salad! THREE PLATES!!! I don't even really like tomatoes all that much. As a child, I used to hate them.

Perhaps, I'm just getting older. They say that about ever 7 years your taste buds change. So maybe I'm going through the next revolution of taste. Now my favourite things are tomatoes, vinegar, wasabi, and dashi — a kelp-based soup base.


Anonymous said...

People used to believe tomatos were evil in the middle ages. Maybe you're becoming med-evil? :P

sQ*eeky said...

well, I mean, how can you trust something that's neither a fruit nor a vegetable, that bleeds, and has the consistency of a soppy internal organ?!

No wonder I used to hate them as a child...

Anonymous said...

ah... but they were also called *love apples* for a while after a faulty translation into english from french... hmm...
"wilbur didnt want food. He wanted love." i made a tomato salad with tomatoes, garlic, soy and crumpled cornflakes. mmm mmm Vitamin C goodness!