Tuesday, July 17, 2007

reflections and zombies

So last night...or, this morning, I guess, there was an earthquake in Niigata. I was woken up by the shaking and remember feeling scared because it had the feel of a 'BIG' earthquake. But the shaking wasn't increasing, so I went back to sleep.

My friend, Amy lives in Joetsu in Niigata. She told me about the water jumping out of her fish tank in gulps and waves. She's OK. And in comparison to a similar-sized quake 3 years ago in the same place it was relatively tame.

This weekend, I did nothing. It was a good change from all the activity recently. I needed it. I also saw Dawn of the Dead and realised Mike Barry, who I went to high school with, was in it. Last time I saw him I was walking around Queen West at Bathurst. The sketchiest intersection in Downtown Toronto. We said hi, asked a few questions about each other, then walked off in separate directions into the future.

Watching a zombie movie, made me realise that I have yet to make one of my own. It's always been my dream to make my own zombie movie. I even had a plan to film one last year, but one of the actors moved (co-incidently enough) to Niigata! After that plans fell apart. But before I die, I'd like to make one good...er, 'bad' zombie movie.


Benjamin Tiesma said...

glad you're ok. I have friends in Nagano, but they're ok, thankfully.

as for your zombie movie...can I be in it?

sQ*eeky said...

of course, man! you're in!!!

Dude, I see this with mad latex makeup, tonnes of blood...And some super cheese acting!

What kind of zombies do you like? the slow, lumbering ones or the fast, agile ones?

Captain Gavman said...

I'm glad the earthquake was far away! Did you hear about the radioactive leak? That's no good.

As for the zombie movie, that would be cool esoecially with Benjamin. I think another great short movie could be based on that story you wrote about the machine that consumed everyone but the last guy who has nobody to open the door for him. Maybe there could be zombies in that one too.

Anonymous said...

you do know that i made all of the vats of blood for the shakespeare productions at UWO, right?

i'm just sayin' is all... if you need the recipe... a professional stage manager gave it to me. her name is tigger. can you go wrong??