Friday, July 13, 2007

whiteboard art!

I draw and write on a whiteboard everyday, and man! do I wish I had thought about this first! Super cool, though!

On a different note: Today, being Friday the 13th, started out with my building catching on fire at 6am. I ignored the alarm at first, thinking that it was a drill. Then eventually a fireman knocked on my door and told me to get out right away. So I went downstairs barely clothed to wait for them to finish their shtick.

It took about 2 and a half hours before they let us back in. So desperately tired, I try to sleep for at least one more hour. But as soon as my head hits the pillow, some dude in the house just outside my window starts sawing up metal...I got up to see exactly what kind of action could make such an absolutely annoying sound. And I almost threw the lawnchair from my balcony onto him.

I guess, the universe really wanted me to leave my apartment today...I mean, it's 11:00 now and he's still grinding these metal tubes. I mean, really! Come ooooon!


akikohashi said...

That sucks. Metal grinding sound sucks. You know, after what could have been a life-or-death situation such as a fire, wouldn't you rather be disturbed by the sound of someone fucking? That would make me feel warm in a Bob Ross kinda way.

Anonymous said...

Some elephants got loose and ran all over Newmarket yesterday.

(Yes, this actually happened.)

Anonymous said...

sQ*eeky said...


Strangely, I'm never disturbed by the sound of fucking. It's always either very comical, or yes, very Bob Ross warm.

Elephants in newmarket?!? No way!

Benjamin Tiesma said...

I found another article that revealed a little more about the mishap:

"Willie Lottering was charged with reckless endangerment and 2 counts of mischief for releasing the Paniced Packaderms. Police officers on the scene had to wrestle the Art teacher to the ground, upon apprehension he had this to say "Elephants are people too!!! I regreat NOTHING!"

akikohashi said...

Oh, no, now your dad's in jail!

sQ*eeky said...

funny shit! "elephants are people too" Oh my god, this story only gets better!

Well, I actually saw an article on boingboing, where the commenter wrote that the sound file annonymus posted was 'so much funnier because of the Canadian accents'...But I didn't hear a single 'aboot'.

What's the deal, eh? No 'aboot'?

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