Thursday, July 19, 2007

breakdancers, bums, and loitering musicians

Here's a video late one night at Kanazawa Station. Those breakers are always there, having carved their niche between groups of musicians (I even heard a full drum set!!!), and drunken bums. Kanazawa doesn't have that many homeless people, but they all end up around the station. Some guy tried to talk to me, while I sat there. It was funny, because I pretended not to understand at first, but he was using such rude language to me, that eventually I started replying in english, with random insults thrown in...Which is pretty much what, I think, he was doing.

The italics are translated Japanese:
He was like "Where are you from?"
"Canada? where's that?"
"North of America. Next to it."
"America sucks! (shitface)"
"Uhh...Yeah, but Canada's not America."
"Europe's the best!

"I agree, fuckstain."
"I want to go play in Europe, (you bastard)."
"Too bad you'll never see it, Old Man McShits"
and so on, and so on...

Actually, it was rather civil all in all. And he even thanked me for talking to him when I left.

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