Wednesday, July 04, 2007

digging and climbing

So...Rainy Season is still here, but we've made a serious attempt to go climb mount Fuji. So this upcoming weekend me and 3 other people will set out to climb the second highest free-standing mountain in the world. We'll be a rag-tag team of mixed nationalities: Finnish, Japanese, and Canadian.

I'm very excited. It's a good thing I got so much exercise at the beach on Canada Day. I woke up the next day and it felt like I went to Billy Blank's Bootcamp. My entire body was so sore.

So here's what happened: The beach closed the public washrooms while we were there for some reason, and when the girls drove to a conveni to go pee, me and Remi found a shovel on the beach. So naturally, we started digging. When the girls returned we had a hole about a meter and a half deep. It was spectacular. We were standing in water about 30 cms deep when we were inside. But I guess all the, I mean 'manly' work sure had it's price.

Here are some pics from the picnic on the beach:
Diggin' the hole! This is about half way...You can see the determined look in my eyes.

Me, Kazuyo, Erin, Michiyo, and Remi. Yuka is taking the picture.

Remi, putting the finishing touches on our sand-ziggurat.

Yay! Fireworks.


Captain Gavman said...

Looks like a bucket of fun. Oh wait, that's a simile argh.

Benjamin Tiesma said...

you could have literally dug a hole to china.