Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Image from wikkipedia It was too cloudy to be able to see the whole mountain. From the bottom you just saw clouds.

The first stop was the shrine where pilgrims traditionally pray before climbing Fuji-san. It is surrounded by dense forest, and the path leading to the shrine is lined by hundreds of lanterns. We also saw them making a samurai movie in the forest! (Erin's prayer: "Please don't let me die, please don't let me die!")

Since the experience of climbing mount fuji is absolutely inexpressable through pictures, I've posted some that would give you a feeling of the walk on the way up.

There were many signs all over the mountain. I especially like the "Don't walk straight!" signs and this "watch your step" sign.

Way above the clouds I found this weather vane. It was bent a little from the strong winds near the top. We were incredibly lucky and had marvelous weather. Actually, it was truly idea for climbing: cloudy near the top, warm, and almost windless. But the clouds prevented the great view, from which you're supposed to be able to see Tokyo on a clear day!

Here you can see the team at the summit. From left to right: Yuka, Me, Erin, and Taija.

This is a panorama showing the crater. On the opposite side, you can see the weather station. The colours of the rocks varied from each past explosion. Some were black, others red, and yet others were this sky blue colour.

This is me posing in front of the 8th station on the way down. Way above the clouds. You forget how tall the mountain is because you can only see so far through the clouds.

All in all, it was a great experience — never climbed a volcano before! And the colours were magical through the mists. Also, when you got near the top, climbing on the volcanic stones was like walking on wind-chimes.


Anonymous said...

wind-chimes? hhhhhhhhey? honto??
whatchoo talkin 'bout, willis?? because of the friction of your feet and the wet stone? what a dikhter you are!

i hope there aren't as many clouds when i schlepp up that barg in august...

yay!! you DID it, slim! how shpanendik!

mazel tov! did you get verclempt?

ps--did you steal my yarmulke?? you're in for a real shlogn, now!!

sQ*eeky said...

What the hell was that?!?

I'm sorry, I have no idea what you just said...

The rocks are porous, like stones you put in the barbeque to keep the heat. So when you step on layers of that kind of porous stone, the sounds echoes like a tonal crunch.

As for the clouds, it was bad for the view, but marvelous to climb in. If it's very clear the sun is very strong up there. But on the plus side you can see farther.

Our night view was spotless and you could see the lights of cities below you.

Anonymous said...

thank you for the rape blossoms! SAGOI!!!

Benjamin Tiesma said...

Yiddish never sounded so sweet... riiiiight.

Graeme!! Congrats on the big climb.

My favourite part about the "Watch y..." sign is that the rock immediatly behind it is split in the same fashion as the sign, like something ripped the sign in half and in the same gesture split that rock.

Captain Gavman said...

Wow, that's a nice record of an amazing experience. Both you and Julie have recently gotten to see a volcano. That is too cool.

It reminds me of the Wanderer in the Mists by Caspar. That's a cool painting and the shot of you above the clouds kinda looks like it.

Nice panorama photo too.

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