Friday, May 04, 2007

Golden Week`s been a while since my last post, because this week is Golden Week, a string of holidays in which people travel travel travel.

Gavin and I spent some time in Kyoto, where we partied with the most international group of people I`ve ever seen: japanese, finnish, belgian, korean, irish, taiwanese...

It was a lot of fun. I did a lot of translating and I feel as if my japanese has made the leap onto the next plateau...finally!

Now, we`re in Hiroshima. We`ve just seen the Atomic Bomb Dome, and it was truly touching. I choked back tears on multiple occasions. War is horrible and I can`t believe we`re still making it. But the nuclear atrocity in Hiroshima was ten thousand times more touching than the concentration camps I saw in Germany. That kind of destructions is absolutely horrendous. The lucky ones were vaporised instantaneously, turned into shadows against bleached pavement. Everyone who survived it was unlucky; all those who were injured, poisoned, or just witnessed hellish scenes of annihilation. It was unholy.

Anyways, tomorrow we`ll go to Miyajima, supposedly the most beautiful place in Japan. It will be much more light-hearted for sure.

When I get back, I`ll post some pictures. Until then!

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