Tuesday, February 27, 2007

no news is good news, i guess

Well, it's been a while between posts, hasn't it?
I had an amazing weekend. Basically, I was up and about doing stuff from dawn 'til dusk. I ate some really good food, made some new friends, stayed up late laughing, drinking, flirting, and went to an incredible hot spring.

Remi and Akiko had a shamisen concert, which was published in the news paper this morning. The headline says: "Murakami Sensei Miraculously Teaches American to Play Shamisen!"
...or something like that. Anyways, I lent him my digicam to take some pictures, so I was unable to record any of the wonderful things I saw. But to be honest, the most impressive part was the onsen and you're not allowed to take pictures there because inside the hot spring everyone is naked.

Here's a brief description of it: It was a cold night and the wind kept blowing mist off the hot water. Every now and then the wind would swoop up and create immense spiral nebulae against the waterfall dribbling against some rocks nearby. The only light came from a massive burning torch and the radiant half moon. If you are immersed in the water, you see steam running over the surface, over some rocks in flowing into the garden around the pools of water. One nearby tree had been tied up in the pyramidal fashion to protect it from the snow. It pointed straight up into the sky, pointing to a cluster of stars that was visible through the mists...

...Oh and every once in a while you could see a naked body moving to and fro.

So there you have it.


Benjamin Tiesma said...

wow. I'm proud of remmie.

Anonymous said...

Kongrats Remi! Looking good in the kimono.