Monday, December 04, 2006

preparing for winter (part II)

.....................................The 'after' shot

This is the same place from a different angle. Behind these walls are some extremely beautiful gardens. Sometimes you can hear the 'klick.klak' of geta, wooden slippers, on the cobblestone in this neighbourhood. Or see old men in yukata, holding wax umbrellas.

This is a detail of the rice-straw ropes. While I was taking this picture the city test-drived it's sprinkler system. Yes, instead of shovelling the snow, these tiny sprinklers pop up and spray water all over the place. I had to dodge the rust-coloured water.

Damn you, little sprinkler! You are sooOOoooOO NOT cute!


sQ*eeky said...

devious indeed! I certainly thought so when I saw them dog-peeing agains my leg! Friggin' sprinklers!

anyways, I met a woman today i promised to marry in my next life. It's a weird promise to make to someone.

Benjamin Tiesma said...
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