Friday, October 12, 2007


This post is about some cool buildings I've seen around Japan.
This one looks like it came from an anime. I like the dark Gothic look, mixed with sci-fi. It almost has a Batman feel.

This one from Tokyo's Odaiba area, it looks like a spacecraft too. The inverted pyramid look must be in these days.

Another upside-down pyramid right here in Kanazawa! Let's all go for a ride in the Stargate, boys and girls!

In Japan, all buildings that are being renovated are covered in a Christo-esque canvas.

What?!? This building has my last name!

By the way, I love the look on the guy's face. It's as if his towel called him a bad word. Simultaneously shocked and disgusted. But they must be good friends, because why would he be carrying a towel anyways?!


Captain Gavman said...

I love the look of that second building. That's how I imagined the future would look when I was a kid.

eleKtrofly said...


eleKtrofly said...

the guy in the last pic also looks like he's playin 'pocket-pool' whith his other hand... perhaps explaining the impending need for the towel...