Thursday, January 11, 2007

late one night...

Late one night, while walking home after work, I passed this little place. Usually it's always closed when I finish work, but that night it was open and alive. The lanterns were so welcoming, I just wanted to go inside, like some weary traveller from afar.

On a different note, I've decided to write down my New Year's Resolutions so that I can check in one year to see if I've accomplished them. So here you go:

1.) Save money: I know that it'll be spring before we know it, so I want to pay off all my debts ASAP so I can take a little trip once this Asian Budget Airline gets off the ground.

2.) Improve my Japanese: By the end of 2007, I want to be nearly fluent. I want to be able to talk about god, the universe, and history.

Well, there you have it folks! I'd be intersted to haer your resulutions, if you have nay.

oh! #3.) is to learn how to type properly, by the way!


Anonymous said...

Hahaha! Nice ending there gneius.

I made some of that Japanese rice soup - much more delicious when you're not thinking about NYE party. Going to spadina tomorrow to pick up some vegies. What are some good japanese type vegies anyway?

sQ*eeky said...

well, honestly, they have some strange stuff here. But I recommend daikon, green onions, carrots, cabbage, mushrooms.

My friend gave me a GIANT cabbage the other day, I'd never really used cabbage in cooking before, but it goes really well with a lot of stuff.

Benjamin Tiesma said...

I'm dissappointed you didnt enter. Japan is odd that way though, events that seem so inviting is just as wonderful to be left alone while fighting the urge to join.

There's something so satisfying about neglecting things you'd mos probably love.

If I remember correctly, you are a fucking terrible typist. Mad ups to #3.

sQ*eeky said...

Well Benj, you know I'm a pleasure delayer supreme and I love the pain of unrequited anything...