Sunday, September 10, 2006

shrines (and culture tip #3)

Today I went to a shrine high in the mountains. It was a rainy day and the mist coming off the mountains was incredible. My new favourite thing is to go visit shrines. There is something so peaceful about them. It's hard to explain, but I feel at ease around the giant trees, and the rattling bells. Today, I was stuck in the rain under the roof of the spring where you wash your hands. There was something magical about the rain and the enormous tree -- maybe around 5m in circumference. The shrine was virtually abandoned and I sat inside the building on the tatami for a long time thinking.

culture tip #3: the Japanese flag is only flown on very grave occasions and certain holidays. So you never see it in public, except on a few international hotels. Recently, it has been flying to celebrate the birth of a new baby boy to Princess Kiko. This is the first male born into the Imperial family for over 30 years. And now there is a guaranteed successor to the current Emperor, which solves some of the political problems Japan has been having recently.


sQ*eeky said...

Thanks for the comment, Yoshiko!

You are the first Japanese person to leave a comment. So thank you.

I don't know 'Yon-Sama', is he an actor?

Have you ever been to Shirayama Hime jinja? That's where those pictures were taken. It's so beautiful there.

For everyone else: Yoshiko has just translated her own site to english. Check it out and leave a message on her BBS at

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