Friday, September 29, 2006

Suntory the Wise

So, while drinking at a nice bar yesterday, I noticed this scrawled on our SUNTORY bucket of ice:

A glassful of drops
each drop is tomorrow's dream
sip your dreams by drops

Man, that guy can do everything! He makes every kind of liquid under the sun and still manages to find time to write a haiku on a bucket of ice! Friggin' awesome!

1 comment:

sQ*eeky said...

Suntory makes absolutely everything!
whiskey, coffee, tea, vodka, beer, pop, sports drinks, health drinks, and also AQUARIUS! mmmm.....glorious AQUARIUS.....

and Actually, Bill Murray was Mr. Suntory for a while, but now it's Tommy Lee Jones. I see his picture on all the vending machines.