Tuesday, September 12, 2006

freestyle walking season

Tonight, while walking home, I noticed some bats circling and jump-diving after insects above the canal. They are quite small here but their flight is just as flip-floppy. The sound of the season has changed, though. A few weeks ago it was the buzzing of cicadas, now I can hear the crickets chirping. You almost don't notice it, because after a while you take the sound for granted. The cicadas didn't just stop one day, they gradually died out after their mating cycle. Their loud singing fades out and the chirping takes over. I almost associate the vibration of the cicadas to the intense heat of summer.

Akiko said she said "thank you and goodbye" to a dying cicada. And it stopped buzzing.
Soon it will be Fall and I'll be able to wear sweaters again.

1 comment:

sQ*eeky said...

Thanks for commenting, Julie.

I always feel like I've experience 'le chant de cygn' partout these days. Whenever the full moon arrives at the same time as the end of the season, I feel like everything is in fast-forward for a couple of days. And on the 8th, I looked up and noticed the moon. The next day, it seemed like summer was over....Though not officially for about 10 days.

I dunno.......................On dois parler français prochain fois nous nous rencontrons. Mais mon français est vraiment deterioré, je crois. On vera.