Friday, September 15, 2006

from the balcony

I woke up today to the sounds of construction. It's a sunny day and I'm enjoying the warm rays on my skin. I stepped out on my balcony, wearing only some blue Japanese-style pants and holding my 2 litre bottle of Aquarius. On the balcony I could still hear the sound of the children playing near my house, but I also felt the sun glittering off the red roof and saw the mountain shrouded by clouds. My Aloe plant looks happy. It hasn't been doing so well lately and it worries me, since it represents my health, in a way.
In the picture you can see the yellow leg of a construction vehicle sticking out behind the coke™ machine on the right. The mountain in the back is Tate-yama. It's the smaller one of two in Kanazawa. The tall building is a newspaper office and I work near there.


Anonymous said...

Really cool view of the place. Looks so authentic. Makes me wanna come visit.

sQ*eeky said...

you should come visit! There are adventures waiting here that are beyond your wildest dreams.

And you have a place to stay...