Sunday, September 17, 2006


This weekend was filled with craziness and good times. Saturday night we went to this place called ROUND1, which is basically a MASSIVE entertainment centre. It's got everything from batting cages, to bowling, to go-karts, to a basement full of video games. It was fun. We played a soccer game in the rain. It was nihon-jin vs. gai-jin. It was a fun place. And would definitely be worth going back even just for the free video games!

A few weeks ago, my friend Shinsuke invited me to "Come Fes"...And I didn't even know what it was exactly but I was very curious to find out. So I said yes. Today was the day, and it turned out to be a concert festival. Loads of fun!
The second band was amazing! It was mainly girls and the sound is kinda hard to explain. They used a keyboard and an organ, as well as the regular guitar, bass, drums combo. It was a very cute and fun sound and their stage presence was great. I especially liked it when the lead singer put a tiny, little drum around her neck and played it while singing. They also threw flowers into the crowd. The girls threw daisies and the guitarist threw a rose...which I caught! Actually, it basically fell into my hands. but hey!

Then Shinsuke's band went on later and that was a blast. He's semi-famous around Kanazawa and has a CD in the Tower Records here. His band's called Cheriwo, and I've uploaded some of their songs here: Romi & Eden . If that doesn't work you can go to their site at Cheriwo (Thanks Erin) Check it out!

Anyways, it was the drummer's last show and Shinsuke's encore was rather emotional. People around me were tearing up! awwwww....So afterwards, the rest of the bands got everyone on stage and sang a happy song. Like a farewell. It was great! All the musician were dancing on stage and some of the audience were singing along...It might have been a popular song or such. I dunno. Eitherway, I loved every minute of it and felt the emotional high and lows, despite not knowing the people so much. In fact, I think the emotional highs and lows made it all that much better!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


i couldn't listen to the song through the link you put on here, but if people go to the band's official site:

then you can listen to up to 10 songs. i completely love song 9 ("sugimoto shinsuke"); it's crazzy good with two z's.
