Saturday, September 23, 2006


well, well, well......It seems my internet has been cut off. I received a call from the company, but because they were using keigo, a formal, polite language, I could only understand about 10% of what they were saying. And that was "Saturday, taking/receiving, last month, bill payment, one week." So.....I guess I answered the skill testing question wrong and they cut my internet.

I'll be back next week. But for now...posts will be slow in coming.

Today is a holiday and I walked around, exploring different libraries in the area. I went to one a few months ago and it was just about the coolest building I've seen here. The ones I saw today matched the big library at Queen's University in Canada. I also walked past a middle school with it's own moat! How cool is that! Not only does it have old-skool samurai walls, but a moat too!

Ok....We'll I'm out. I'll try to post again soon....Keep checking back.


Benjamin Tiesma said...

I want a moat and samurai guard wall.

Anonymous said...


remember that story you wrote about a female astronaut? there's a waitress named Flo, a nickel, a Rufus Wainwright song, spilled milk(y) way, and... crutches?

anyways, there is a blog from a female astronaut online that i thought you would love:

you should write to her! ask her for a moon rock or something.
