Thursday, June 05, 2008

Animals are smarter than YOU!

This is incredible!

I am speechless...Makes you realize how little we understand about animal brains. The other day I heard about a lost parrot here in Japan reciting his address and name of his owner until he was returned. How weird is that?

Also there was the story about the dolphin who lead the pack of whales out of the sandbar maze. They kept getting beached and and some people were pushing them off the sand, then they would beach themselves again. This happened for a few hours until I lone dolphin swam in, squeek-squeeked at them until they followed him through the maze to the exit and the open sea. Link to BBC news

And not to mention my old dog, Dante, who I could say hands down was one of the smartest animals I've ever encountered...Outranking some humans, I know.


Captain Gavman said...

Cool. Didn't hear about that dolphin/whale story before.

I miss You Graeme. I still haven't gotten your letter from mom, but soon I hope.

sQ*eeky said...

i miss you too, bro. Get that letter!

Benjamin Tiesma said...

"Dante, who I could say hands down was one of the smartest animals I've ever encountered...Outranking some humans, I know."

I resent that.

humans is smarter dan aminals. me prove it with shovel and rake!

sQ*eeky said...

grrrraahrg! me eat glass!!!

Benjamin Tiesma said...

me sleep with cousin, baby look like me... but baby have only have half everything... baby so cute.

well, half cute.

Anonymous said...

On that I can say that I have students who can't draw like an elephant

Talk to u later sonny

Anonymous said...

After this video I can honestly say that I have students who cannot draw as well as an elephant
Talk to u later sonny

Anonymous said...

oh well, that's two versions of the comment - take your pick