Thursday, January 31, 2008

weird dreams...

Recently, i`ve been having the strangest dreams. Last night, I dreamt I was sleeping in a hotel room, the big kind with a large bath and all the extras. (On a side note, any dream that has sleeping in it is bound to be a weird one). In my dream, someone opened the door to my room. I freaked out and started yelling at the person in Japanese. ("お前は誰だ?入るな!") But the mysterious person entered anyway. I stayed in bed—it`s possible I was naked and didn`t want to get up. It turned out to be a gaijin girl wrapped in a towel. She dropped some courtesy bubble bath on my counter and said thoughtfully, "I couldn`t use it all, so you can have the rest." Then she left.

I went back to sleep. In my dream, that is. Then I became aware that there is another presence in the room. However much I tried, I couldn`t make out who, or what!, it was. Out of nothingness a blue-ish aura appeared and from the outside in a person materialized. I couldn`t make out her face, but I knew it was a female ghost. Then I woke up. In real life! ...and went back to sleep.

The dream continues in a weird way. I return to the room, but this time when I enter the door it takes me to a massive, warm, traditional Japanese house. My family are all there in the central room chatting and being merry. There are also some people from work there. When I come in, there`s some hullabaloo and the manager says to me in a stern professional tone: "We need to talk".

So we retreat to a smaller room with a kotatsu, a heated table. She starts talking to me and although I can`t remember whether it was Japanese or what she was saying, I knew it was important and confidential. Meanwhile, my sister, who is in the next room, behind the paper screen, keeps saying "I can hear you! I can hear you!" So the manager leans against the wall and falls right through it into a beautiful, long hallway. And in the distance, I can hear a big-screen TV switch on.

1 comment:

Captain Gavman said...

That sounds like memories of your trip to Canada mixed with your situation over there in Japanada.

Man I've had some weird dreams lately too.