Wednesday, June 27, 2007

surprise english lessons!

These are two of the funniest videos I've seen in a while.

What do you think?


Benjamin Tiesma said...

you should do a show called

"Bikuri Nihon-go benkyo!"

Where you talk to western english teachers in japanese.

I wonder if the results would be as good.

sQ*eeky said...

haha! I think I'd get a lot of 'wakarimasen's...

Either that or the people would be nearly fluent. That's what I've found anyways. There are two kinds of foreigners here: people who studied Japanese at university, and people who can't be arsed to learn the language.

But most native English speakers have en inborn distaste for speaking a foreign language.

Benjamin Tiesma said...

"But most native English speakers have en inborn distaste for speaking a foreign language."

There's a bravado in that that's gotta make you a little homesick.